Sid Muhammad Press

Knowledge of the Sufi Path

The Knowledge of the Sufi Path.

Tariqa Shadhuliyya

The Tariq Shadhuliyya.


Teachings from the Shaykh of the Shadhuliyya path.

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Sidi Shaykh Muhammad Sa’id al-Jamal ar-Rifa’i ash-Shadhdhuli 
The Shaykh, the guide of the Shadhdhuliyyah Path founded by the master and guide Abu-l-Hasan ash-Shadhdhuli in the 13th century was born in Tulkarm in ash-Sham in 1935 and was a descendent of the Prophet Muhammad through his ancestor Shaykh Ahmad Ibn ar-Rifa’i. As a Qadi or Judge of the Shari’ah court, he worked all over Jordan and Palestine until he was given the position of Judge of the Judges in Jerusalem and the Holy Land and later moved to an office in Masjid Al-‘Aqsa. He inherited the Shadhdhuli line through his guide and master Sidi Abdu-r-Rahman Abu Risha of Halab in Syria and his second teacher, Shaykh Tilmisan, who sent him to Jerusalem, where he worked tirelessly to help the people and keep Tasawwuf alive as a knowledge of the science of the Light of Allah. In 1974, he set up a zawiyyah for seekers coming from western countries to study the Path of Sufism and in 1997 he restored the 600 year old Sufi Council that served in the Holy Land. He was the Head of this Council as well as a teacher and central figure at the Masjid al-‘Aqsa and the Dome of the Rock for many years. His hand and leadership preserved the Sacred Precinct. He was an advocate of world peace and in 1993 he began to travel the world gathering his students in other countries and setting up many spiritual communities. Wherever he went, he taught, by word and example, the real essence of Islam by emphasizing the central message of peace, mercy, love, freedom and justice for all people.    More than 40 books are available in English for students to study his teachings.


New Releases


NOW Available
The Path of Yearning to Taste the Love
tarıq ash-ashwaq linil adh-dhwaq

Published by Sidi Muhammad Press 2021
Published in Arabic in 1996 (1417AH)
Sidi Shaykh Muhammad Sa’id al-Jamal ar-Rifa’i ash-Shadhdhuli

English/Arabic text: $35

The Path of Yearning Cover

The Path of Yearning to Taste the Love: English/Arabic text is a complete translation to reveal the beauty, depth and subtle nature of our Guide and his teachings.
In this book the first chapter concerns the path leading fragrant souls to the real love. The second concerns the remembrance and expressions of love and its meanings. The third concerns the constituent parts of essential and self-centered love. The fourth concerns the truth of perfection and beauty as uttered by speech. The fifth concerns the underlying love, which is hidden from the minds of creation. The sixth concerns the different types of the lovers and the tastes of the travellers on the path. The seventh describes the stations of the travellers on the path and the states of the knowers. The eighth describes the house of those who have reached divine mastery. The discourse of the ninth chapter is from the memory of longing and the states connected to that. The tenth chapter describes the honors the nafs acquires by way of love.


Stories of the Prophets
as told by the Master in his Zawiyyah in 1980
Sidi Shaykh Muhammad Sa’id al-Jamal ar-Rifa’i ash-Shadhdhuli

Stories of the Prophets: Revised, corrected and made beautiful for Sidi.
These stories are lessons for us and stations of the way. Sidi says, “It is now your chance. He created you to be His beloved and He holds your hand and gives you the branch of His word. For that reason be strong, be patient and take the teaching from the beloved prophets.” Why did Allah send the prophets, and why did He tell the story of every prophet? To reveal how every prophet met with difficulty. The prophet does not stop, and nothing forbids him to walk, no matter what he meets. Allah says, “If all the people in the world meet you and forbid you walking to Allah, do not care, but continue. If you love Me, cut across these veils, break these walls and navigate these pictures because your Beloved is behind them.”
There is a deep meaning in every story.


2019 – The Spirit’s Path to Joy


The Spirit’s Path to Joy

The Spirit’s Path to Joy
by Sidi Shaykh Muhammad Sa’id al-Jamal ar-Rifa’i  ash-Shadhdhuli

This book is dedicated to all those who follow our beloved guide to the Reality of his Way, the Spirit’s Path to Joy. Sidi calls to Allah, “O Allah, bring them to be Your khalifah and forgive them. Call upon their nafs with the order, ‘Return to your Lord.’ Guide them with the tajalli of Your Beauty to the presence of Your Majesty.” And he says to us, “O my beloveds, O sincere seekers, O intelligent seekers of the divine love, I have explained to you what you need to start your journey, from the lowest of the low of human nature to the highest of the high in the ranks of those who are nearest to their Lord. I have given you ample explanation and transparent clarification. I would like your end to be the musk that embellishes the holy spirits. When the holy spirits smell the fragrance of the gentle breezes of the Haqq, from this source, it drives them to arrive at His presence. These fragrances become proof against the lowly ones because they are not capable of doing what the seeker needs to do. The seeker needs to act according to the realities of what is described in all the revealed Books, and Allah is the One who provides success and help.


2018 – Walking the Path of Sufism with Sidi


This book is for all those who follow our beloved guide Sidi Shaykh Muhammad or the reality of his way, the path of Sufism. It explores the way of purification, the people of Sufism, the knowledge of Sufism, the religion of the unity, and the deeper meaning behind the ritual purity, the ritual prayer, alms giving, the fast and the pilgrimage. A must for every traveler on the path.




July 2016 – Al-Wadhifatu-S-Salaatu-l-Mashishiyyah



This is among one of the first teachings given to us by our Guide. It connects us, from our first meeting with him, to his spirit and to being carried on the Path of the Unity for the rest of our lives. This is the way of the Unity with our Guide, our masters, and our beloved Prophet Muhammad (salla allaahu ‘alayhi wa-salaam). Without this connection there is no walking for the student. He goes through his brothers and sisters and through his Guide to meet him face to face in the world of the Unity to be He without separation. Death is true only by virtue of our separation from the Path that carries us to the Secret of his Presence.

This book has been stitch bound for your easy lay-flat use and durability. An audio CD of our beloved Guide Sidi reciting the wadhifa 40 years ago is also included in this addition.

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