The Spirit’s Path to Joy




The Spirit’s Path to Joy
by Sidi Shaykh Muhammad Sa’id al-Jamal ar-Rifa’i  ash-Shadhdhuli

This book is dedicated to all those who follow our beloved guide to the Reality of his Way, the Spirit’s Path to Joy. Sidi calls to Allah, “O Allah, bring them to be Your khalifah and forgive them. Call upon their nafs with the order, ‘Return to your Lord.’ Guide them with the tajalli of Your Beauty to the presence of Your Majesty.” And he says to us, “O my beloveds, O sincere seekers, O intelligent seekers of the divine love, I have explained to you what you need to start your journey, from the lowest of the low of human nature to the highest of the high in the ranks of those who are nearest to their Lord. I have given you ample explanation and transparent clarification. I would like your end to be the musk that embellishes the holy spirits. When the holy spirits smell the fragrance of the gentle breezes of the Haqq, from this source, it drives them to arrive at His presence. These fragrances become proof against the lowly ones because they are not capable of doing what the seeker needs to do. The seeker needs to act according to the realities of what is described in all the revealed Books, and Allah is the One who provides success and help.

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