Stories of the Prophets




Stories of the Prophets
as told by the Master in his Zawiyyah in 1980
Sidi Shaykh Muhammad Sa’id al-Jamal ar-Rifa’i ash-Shadhdhuli

These stories are lessons for us and stations of the way. Sidi says, “It is now your chance. He created you to be His beloved and He holds your hand and gives you the branch of His word. For that reason be strong, be patient and take the teaching from the beloved prophets.” Why did Allah send the prophets, and why did He tell the story of every prophet? To reveal how every prophet met with difficulty. The prophet does not stop, and nothing forbids him to walk, no matter what he meets. Allah says, “If all the people in the world meet you and forbid you walking to Allah, do not care, but continue. If you love Me, cut across these veils, break these walls and navigate these pictures because your Beloved is behind them.” There is a deep meaning in every story.

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